Circular business models



The 100 Group



Circular business models

Circular economy solutions help achieve Sustainable Development Goals and are key for climate transition. Although circularity is rising on the agenda of many companies, according to the surveys done by DNV and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the shift to circular business models that design waste outside the system progresses slowly.

One of the focus areas of the 100 Group is to facilitate the shift to circular economy in the interior industry. We assemble some of the most progressive and forward-thinking companies in the industry that offer sustainable and circular products and services, but also represent the client side by procuring and using circular services and products. Many are start-ups that offer new services that fill in circularity gaps extending products life cycles while inspiring and driving the transition of the rest of the industry.

The industry is 14% circular according to our members in a survey in 2022

Since the transition to circular economy is new to everyone we are prototyping our way forward. In 2022 members of the 100 Group decided to use the common platform to gather our members’ circular solutions under one umbrella and create the so called "One-Stop-Shop" for circular interiors. The purpose is to make circular solutions an obvious and easy choice for clients, as well as facilitate cooperation and speed up the uptake of circular business models in the industry. In 2023, thanks to the collaboration with the Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University, Master's students in the Master's program in MarketingCommunication have been given an assignment to help us package the “One-Stop-Shop” and create a marketing and communication strategy for the service. We expect to launch the service before the summer of 2023.

To facilitate the development of circular business models we organize 3-4 dedicated member meetings per year on this topic.

For more information contact Björn Nordin and Ivana Kildsgaard.


Let’s build a circular and sustainable interior industry together before 2030.